Well, it’s hard to admit, but it’s true: I have been muddled and confuddled about the three categories:
Weekly Reflections for
Free Inquiry
Education Competencies & Tech Competencies. When I started writing this post, I was ready to crow about having figured it out, or, at least, having forged a path (or maybe just a deer trail). Then I noticed that I had posted most of my blogs on my old site: Sunflower. The air went out of my tires and I went to bed.
The next time I set my sights on blogging, the paths had grown over, so lush is the jungle of doubt. Fortunately, I have had such a positive experience with Valerie that I decided to enter my own tech 12-step program. (“Hi, my name is Esther. I still have a land-line and like to write with a pen …) So, I set up a bunch of appointments.
Luke happened to be on the tech beat so I hung out with him and got back on track. Thanks Luke!
Well, on to the competencies. I’ve been video-conferencing a lot via Zoom. I have secretly wondered at the groovy backgrounds that some people use on Zoom, as if they’re phasing in and out of a fourth dimension.
So, this morning, when I had a Zoom call, I stepped up, like wearing lipstick for the first time, but not—instead of adding a little colour to my face, painted the whole world.
Mattermost is now a “thing” for me. That’s a daily task now. I had a big “aha” moment when I realized that there were DM channels and group channels. No wonder I couldn’t find people!